Do You Run A Little Low In The Confidence Department?

Do You Run A Little Low In The Confidence Department?

Do You Feel Like You Spend Your Days Taking Care Of Everyone Else While You Get Put On The Back Burner?

Do You Feel Like You Spend Your Days Taking Care Of Everyone Else While You Get Put On The Back Burner?

What if you could live your life OVERFLOWING with confidence and without fear, anxiety, OR worry ABOUT WHAT OTHERS THINK?

You Can! And You Can Do It In


What if you could live your life OVERFLOWING with confidence and without fear, anxiety, OR worry ABOUT WHAT OTHERS THINK?

You Can! And You Can Do It In JUST 8 WEEKS!

Watch the 3-minute video below to learn the SECRETS to living a life FREE FROM FEAR!

Discover the POWER WITHIN YOU to enforce boundaries, build resilience, and redefine your relationship on your terms.

Stop being a people pleaser And Start living life on your terms

Increase Your Self-Esteem

Say Good-Bye to People-Pleasing Behaviors

Have Healthier Conversations

Make Better Decisions

Implement Boundaries

Build Resilience Against Stress

Have More Energy

Live Life On Your Terms

get rid of anxiety, and Start living life on your terms

Do you have these thoughts:

"What if I'm not good enough?" and "What if I end up alone?"

Does worry drain you of your energy and stop you from enjoying life?

Do you often feel like all of your tomorrows will look exactly like today?

Are you ready to embrace a life where fear doesn't hold you back anymore?

Get rid of stress And start living life

on your terms


Control negative thoughts that lead to anxiety so you can live a calmer life


Stay cool, calm, and collected in even the most stressful situations


Gain energy & heal chronic health problems that slow you down


Establish healthy boundaries with everyone in your life


Meet new people and make supportive, life-long friends


Learn the best way to make the most difficult decisions

Speak Your Mind and Start Living Life on Your Terms

Start your journey and be introduced to foundational principles and mindset preparation for overcoming fears. Begin the initial steps towards understanding and conquering your fears through this supportive program.

Step 1

Identify personal fears, anxieties, and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back in life. Recognize where the patterns are and develop effective strategies for confronting them head-on.

Step 2

Learn the tools and techniques designed to build emotional resilience within you, so you can confidently tackle all of life's challenges.

Step 3

Learn the art of setting healthy boundaries with others, a vital skill for protecting your energy and maintaining your progress. We'll explore different types of boundaries, how to enforce them respectfully, and the importance of self-care. This step is key to living authentically and without fear.

Step 4

Transition from insight to action as we guide you through implementing the changes necessary to live fearlessly. This includes practical exercises to apply what you've learned, challenge your comfort zones, and start making decisions aligned with your true desires. Experience the empowerment of taking control of your life.

Step 5

Conclude your journey with a focus on sustaining your growth and maintaining momentum. We'll provide strategies for ongoing self-reflection, continuous improvement, and setting future goals. Leave the program not just transformed, but also equipped with a roadmap for living a life free from fear and full of potential.

Start your journey and be introduced to foundational principles and mindset preparation for overcoming fears. Begin the initial steps towards understanding and conquering your fears through this supportive program.

Step 1

Step 2

Identify personal fears, anxieties, and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back in life. Recognize where the patterns are and develop effective strategies for confronting them head-on.

Learn the tools and techniques designed to build emotional resilience within you, so you can confidently tackle all of the challenges that life throws at you.

Step 3

Step 4

Learn the art of setting healthy boundaries with others, a vital skill for protecting your energy and maintaining your progress. We'll explore different types of boundaries, how to enforce them respectfully, and the importance of self-care. This step is key to living authentically and without fear.

Transition from insight to action as I guide you through implementing the changes necessary to live fearlessly. This includes practical exercises to apply what you've learned, challenge your comfort zones, and start making decisions aligned with your true desires. Experience the empowerment of taking control of your life.

Step 5

Conclude your journey with a focus on sustaining your growth and maintaining momentum. I'll provide strategies for ongoing self-reflection, continuous improvement, and setting future goals. Leave the program not just transformed, but also equipped with a roadmap for living a life free from fear and full of potential.

Show up Everywhere with Confidence and Start Living Life on Your Terms

In just 10 hours, learn how to start making decisions from a place of power, not fear

"Freedom from Fear" offers a unique and dynamic approach to personal growth that sets it apart from traditional counseling.

Unlike the more conventional counseling sessions that primarily focus on discussing problems and past experiences, my course is designed to not only address the root causes of fear and anxiety but also to equip you with practical, actionable strategies for overcoming these challenges.

This approach ensures that you don't just understand your fears but also learn how to conquer them in your daily life, providing a more comprehensive and empowering experience.

Personal growth and transformation are prioritized through a meticulously designed curriculum that integrates cutting-edge psychological techniques and actionable strategies that you can apply directly to your life.

This approach ensures a focus on forward movement and personal empowerment, allowing for a deeper and more effective forms of self-improvement.

Real Stories, Real Transformation

"I took Beth’s 8-week “Freedom from Fear” course, and I write this as a changed person. I had been stuck in a deep, dark well for years following my divorce after 35 years of marriage.
Her kind, caring demeanor combined with her vast expertise on the subject, showed me the way to a new life. "Each week, something she would say would resonate so deeply, I moved closer and closer toward the top of the well". My daughters have noticed I am a happier, more confident person. If you are in a similar situation, I highly recommend taking Beth’s course soon. Do not waste all the time that I did. Take it as soon as you can. The course is exactly as the title states. I truly cannot thank Beth enough for giving me my life back.

Patty S.

"Beth Fischer has been my amazing coach. I lived in what I call "roommate status" with my husband because he did not do anything to change. I had to set boundaries. I started to focus on myself, with Beth's help. "My husband finally listened to Beth's webinars and understood the trauma of betrayal and learned about how it affects me", the betrayed. After years I finally see hope. I learned that I am not the same person, and neither is my husband, but we are new people in a new relationship."

Patty W.

"Beth Fischer has "the most comprehensive, informative post betrayal program and information I have heard in my two-year search for answers". Like Beth says this is simplistically/complicated but to hear what I need to heal and move forward, put in a way that I can apply it to my everyday life, makes me hopeful that one day sooner than later I will be whole again. For me "Beth is a lifeline to a better state of mind and marriage."

Lori M.

"Still being on a healing journey, "I would never have made it this far, in this short amount of time, without the support of Beth". Beth working with both the betrayed and the betrayer in a parallel process has taken me as an individual, and us a couple, so much further than if only one of us had been looking for support, or if we had been on two separate courses. Healing from betrayal is very hard, but with the tools I got from Pain to Power, and my husband from Helping Her Heal, I have got a lot of hope for the future."

Cam H.

"Getting the right help and support on your path is the secret key. "Please take that step". I hope you will consider reaching out to Beth. She has the tools, knowledge, experience, and understanding to walk with you through this battlefield. Not all therapists, counselors, coaches, etc. have what is necessary. For this to work, "it is imperative to have someone like Beth" that understands all the nuances and the path."

Missy R.

"Beth's wisdom and experience with betrayal trauma has been so helpful to me". I've felt lost and alone and her affirmation of my process as normal has been so healing. Then, she gives a real road map to reconciliation, at least in my betrayal experience. Not everyone will reconcile, but my goal is to work towards a whole family and Beth provides the steps in that journey that are meaningful."

Wendy S.

“Without continuous personal development, you are now all that you will ever become.”

“Without continuous personal development, you are now all that you will ever become.”

FREEDOM from FEAR is perfect for you if you are ready to:

Realize Your Dream...

Step out of solitude and into a supportive community that accelerates your journey towards realizing your most cherished dreams. My course is designed to fast-track your path to turning those dreams into your reality.

Silence Your Inner Critics...

Overcome the limiting beliefs of fear, self-doubt, and insecurity that hinder your success. With my guidance, you'll learn to silence these critics for good, paving the way for unparalleled achievements.

Revitalize Your Relationships...

Reignite the passion and connection in your marriage or relationships through strong boundaries, enhancing the quality of your personal connections and fostering deeper, more meaningful bonds.

Enhance Your Overall Well-Being...

Gain access to innovative strategies for optimizing your physical, emotional, and mental health. My holistic approach ensures you maximize your wellness, leading to a balanced and fulfilling life.

Thrive in a Supportive Community...

Immerse yourself in a nurturing environment where empathy, understanding, and encouragement flourish. My program connects you with a community of individuals who are all committed to personal growth and overcoming similar challenges.

Cultivate Unshakeable Confidence...

Develop the unwavering confidence and conviction needed to achieve your goals. With my support, you'll build the resilience and self-assurance required to navigate life's challenges and seize opportunities with conviction.

Enhance Your Overall Well-Being...

Gain access to innovative strategies for optimizing your physical, emotional, and mental health. My holistic approach ensures you maximize your wellness, leading to a balanced and fulfilling life.

Thrive in a Supportive Community...

Immerse yourself in a nurturing environment where empathy, understanding, and encouragement flourish. My course connects you with a community of individuals who are all committed to personal growth and overcoming similar challenges.

Cultivate Unshakeable Confidence...

Develop the unwavering confidence and conviction needed to achieve your goals. With my support, you'll build the resilience and self-assurance required to navigate life's challenges and seize opportunities with conviction.

Unlock the Complete Freedom from Fear Package and Begin Living On Your Terms Today

Gain exclusive access to my comprehensive online course, expert coaching, and a supportive community—all designed to empower you to conquer fear and embrace a life of confidence and purpose.

Embark on a transformative journey with my "Freedom from Fear" online course, designed to guide you through the process of overcoming fear and unlocking your full potential. Each of the 8 sessions in this course have been meticulously crafted to address the various facets of fear, from understanding its origins to developing strategies for resilience and empowerment. Through a combination of expert-led discussions, personalized exercises, and supportive community interaction, you'll learn to identify and confront your deepest fears, build confidence, and establish healthy boundaries. My course offers a unique blend of psychological insights and practical tools, ensuring that you gain not only the knowledge but also the skills necessary to navigate life's challenges with courage and clarity.

As you progress through the eight sessions, you'll experience a journey of self-discovery and growth, culminating in a newfound sense of freedom and purpose. From mastering the art of emotional resilience to transforming anxiety into action, each step is designed to bring you closer to living on your terms. By the end of the course, you'll have a comprehensive toolkit for managing fear and anxiety, a deeper understanding of yourself, and a supportive network of peers who share your journey. Join me to transform your fear into freedom and start living the life you've always dreamed of, filled with confidence, joy, and empowerment.

Session 1: Origin of Fears

In our opening session, learn to trace the roots of your fears back to their origins, offering clarity on how past experiences continue to shape your present emotions and behaviors. By understanding and addressing these foundational fears, you’ll prepare yourself to not only confront but also dismantle the obstacles that impede your personal growth and happiness. This session promises not just insights but real strategies to elevate your life satisfaction across all facets, setting you on a path to true empowerment and resilience!

Session 2: Navigating Fear and Anxiety

Dive deep into the roots of your fears in Session 2 where you'll learn to distinguish between fear and anxiety and understand their profound impacts on your life. This session offers powerful insights into how early life experiences shape your emotional responses and teaches practical strategies to manage and eliminate fear and anxiety effectively. Empower yourself with the tools to break free from limiting patterns, enhancing your emotional resilience, and paving the way to a more confident and secure future!

Session 3: Transforming Patterns

This session is all about discovering and reshaping the patterns that hold you back, helping you step out of autopilot and into a life of intention. You'll learn to identify self-limiting beliefs and transform them into empowering thoughts, ensuring you live each day more fully. By focusing on practical exercises like the Wheel of Life, you'll set clear goals and create positive changes in one key area of your life. Join us to start building a more confident, fulfilled, and fearless you!

Session 4: Breaking Invisible Chains

Tackle the hidden fears and limiting beliefs that often control our lives without us even knowing. In this enlightening session, you'll learn how to identify these hidden barriers and use practical strategies to break them down and reduce their influence. Engage in exercises that help you understand your true feelings and thoughts, empowering you to make positive changes and lead a more confident and fearless life. Join us and start transforming the fears that hold you back into the freedom you deserve!

Session 5: Empower Your Growth

Dive deep into the stories that shape your beliefs and emotions. This session offers a nurturing space to explore and understand the origins of your fears and limiting beliefs, empowering you to confront and reshape them. By examining your emotional and intellectual memories, you'll gain crucial insights that pave the way to a more balanced, confident, and fulfilled life. Uncover the power within to make meaningful changes, setting the stage for personal growth and a happier, more contented future.

Session 6: Advance Your Journey

Learn about making real changes and focusing on outcomes instead of just setting goals. Participants find out how to use their own feelings to keep moving forward by picturing the healthy feelings they will get from achieving their goals. The session teaches how to make SMART goals which help turn big dreams into small, doable steps. Through exercises that help you see and feel your goals, you stay motivated and keep making progress. This session gives you the tools to slowly improve your life, making each step forward more meaningful.

Session 7: Mastering Relationship Dynamics

Understand the process of identifying both positive and negative influences and offers strategies for enhancing connections that foster personal growth. You will learn how to set meaningful boundaries to protect your emotional energy, engage with role models to enrich various aspects of your life, and develop a deeper understanding of how relationships impact your well-being. This session is crucial for anyone looking to assert more control over their external environment, ensuring that it supports rather than hinders their journey toward freedom from fear.

Session 8: Living Life on Your Terms

In Session 8 of "Freedom From Fear," we wrap up our journey by focusing on taking powerful actions towards lasting change. You'll learn how to apply all the valuable insights from previous sessions to your everyday life, ensuring you're not just dreaming about change but actually living it. We'll delve into how to forgive past hurts, make conscious choices about who belongs in your life, and maintain these changes for the long haul. This session is about turning your new understanding and strengths into a sustainable, joyful way of living your best life.

Money Back Guaranteed

I am fully committed to your growth and transformation through my 'Freedom from Fear' course. That's why I offer a money back guarantee. If, after listening to the first two sessions and applying the strategies and exercises provided, you don't feel I've delivered on my promise, simply reach out. I'll work with you to address your concerns or offer a full refund. Your journey towards overcoming fear and embracing a life of confidence and fulfillment is my top priority, and I'm here to support you every step of the way. Trust in my program to be the catalyst for change you've been seeking, with the peace of mind that your satisfaction is guaranteed.


Ready to take the leap? Click below to join the 'Freedom from Fear' program and claim your exclusive bonuses now! Transform your life with the support, tools, and community you need to thrive. This is your moment—embrace it!

Roadblocks to Reconciliation - Online Course

Unlock your first free bonus, the insightful "Roadblocks to Reconciliation" video. In this comprehensive 19-minute guide, you'll discover the three major obstacles couples encounter on their path to reconciliation and learn effective strategies to navigate around them. Whether you're seeking to strengthen your relationship or overcome specific challenges, this video sheds light on common pitfalls and provides practical advice to ensure your journey towards reconciliation is smooth and successful. Don't let these roadblocks stand in the way of rebuilding a stronger, more connected partnership.

Membership to my Private Community

Your journey to healing and empowerment doesn't have to be a solitary one. As a special bonus, gain access to our private online community group—a safe and supportive space exclusively for women who are navigating the challenges of betrayal and other life hurdles. Within this vibrant community, you'll connect with like-minded individuals who are all committed to elevating their lives. Share experiences, receive encouragement, and find inspiration as you collectively pursue a path of healing and personal growth. This bonus offers you a unique opportunity to be part of a nurturing environment where every member is dedicated to overcoming obstacles and achieving a life of fulfillment and joy. Join us and discover the strength that lies in community support.


Virtual trainings with Beth, live in the privacy of your own home {$480 value}

Direct instruction from the industry's leading expert on relationships, Beth Fischer

{Normally $250/hour}

Unlimited ongoing access to all sessions {$800 value}

Private Facebook group {$197 value}

access to my private, global community {$97/month value}

Roadblocks to Reconciliation video course {$197 value}

Weekly Insights Right to your inbox {$29/Month value}

Supplemental home exercises to keep your momentum going in between sessions {$29/Month value}

Regular Price $1890

Your Price Is Only


Your New Life Is ONE CLICK Away!

Don't Wait!

Living Your Life Free From Fear Can Start Today!

Every moment of hesitation is a moment lost on your path to a fearless life. Seize the opportunity to begin your transformation. Enroll in Freedom From Fear today and let today be the day you choose change and start living life on your terms.

Don't Let Fear Stop You From Making This Pivotal Decision

Why My Freedom from Fear Online Course Is the Right Choice for You

Maybe you're thinking "It's too expensive."

I understand that investing in a course like this can feel significant. However, consider it an investment in your future self—breaking free from fear and living a life of confidence and joy. The value you'll receive, not just in content but in transformation, far exceeds the cost.

Or maybe you're thinking "I don't have enough time."

Time is indeed our most precious resource. This course was designed to fit into busy schedules, with sessions divided into small segments, making it easy to get through. Remember, dedicating time now to overcome your fears will save you countless hours spent in worry and hesitation in the future. It's about making time for what truly matters—your personal growth and happiness.

This is a common one too: "I've tried other programs before and they didn't work."

It is frustrating when you don't see the results you hope for. My course is unique because it not only addresses the symptoms of fear but goes deeper to tackle the root causes. Plus, my community and step-by-step guidance provide a comprehensive approach to ensure you can see real change. I encourage you to give it a chance and feel the difference for yourself.

And even this one: "I'm afraid I'll start this and not see it through."

It's completely normal to fear commitment, especially when past attempts haven't gone as planned. This course was built with that in mind, offering constant support and motivation and encouragement. I'm here to ensure you stay on track, and the structured yet flexible nature of the course is designed to help you succeed. Let's take this journey together, and I'll be with you every step of the way.

Regular Price $2176

Special Offer Price of $480!

Payment Plan Available!

Warning: Your new life is waiting for you!

Join Right Now!

Regular Price $1890

Special Offer Price of $480!

Warning: Your new life is waiting for you!

Join Right Now!

Hi, I am Coach Beth Fischer

I'm Beth Fischer, founder of Healing Families LLC. I hold a master’s degree in counseling and am a certified Betrayal Trauma Specialist with certifications in Root Cause Therapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. As a co-author of two best-selling books, I bring extensive knowledge and expertise to my practice, helping individuals and couples heal and grow.

My approach combines evidence-based techniques with empathy and authenticity, empowering clients to overcome their past and rebuild their self-worth. I guide clients through forgiveness, rebuilding trust, and creating healthy relationships by addressing the root causes of trauma and dismantling limiting beliefs.

I am committed to continuous learning and often participate in professional workshops and seminars. Through speaking engagements, workshops, and webinars, including my popular "Power Hours with Beth," I share my insights and knowledge.

My dedication to my clients' well-being is unwavering, and I'm honored to support each individual on their journey to healing and empowerment.


At Healing Families LLC, our mission is to empower individuals to heal from betrayal trauma and transform their lives through compassionate, evidence-based coaching. We are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment where clients can explore their emotions, rebuild trust, and develop new belief systems. Through our specialized services, including Root Cause Therapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, we strive to guide our clients towards resilience, personal growth, and lasting reconciliation.


P.S. Remember, your journey to overcoming fear and building a life of confidence and joy starts with a single step. Don't let another day pass by in doubt—commit to your healing now and start your transformation today.

P.S.S. Still unsure? Reach out for a no-obligation chat to discuss how the "Freedom from Fear" course can specifically help you. Let's make your dreams of a fearless life a reality together.


What can I expect from the "Freedom from Fear" course?

In the "Freedom from Fear" course, you can expect transformative lessons that guide you through not only understanding but overcoming your fears. Through 8 comprehensive sessions, you'll learn to identify the roots of your fear, build resilience, and develop strategies for a more confident and fulfilling life. Each session combines expert guidance and practical exercises, ensuring you have the tools and support needed for lasting change.

Who is this course designed for?

This course is designed for anyone struggling with fear, anxiety, or the aftermath of betrayal and infidelity. Whether you're feeling stuck in your personal life, seeking to rebuild trust in your relationships, or simply looking to live more confidently, my course offers the insights and tools necessary for all seeking transformation. It's especially beneficial for those ready to take active steps towards healing and personal growth.

How long is the course, and what is the time commitment?

The "Freedom from Fear" online course is about 10 hours long, divided into subsections, which easily fits into the busiest schedule. I recommend allowing one hour per week for viewing and 2 hours per week for the reflection exercises.

What makes this course different from traditional counseling or other self-help programs?

Unlike traditional counseling, which often focuses on discussing problems, my course is action-oriented, providing practical strategies for overcoming fear and building a fulfilling life. It combines the depth of counseling with the transformative power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Post-Betrayal Trauma Recovery, and Root Cause Therapy, all within a supportive setting. This unique blend ensures a holistic approach to healing, offering both the understanding and the tools needed for real, lasting change.

What can I expect from the "Freedom from Fear" course?

In the "Freedom from Fear" course, you can expect transformative lessons that guide you through not only understanding but overcoming your fears. Through 8 comprehensive sessions, you'll learn to identify the roots of your fear, build resilience, and develop strategies for a more confident and fulfilling life. Each session combines expert guidance and practical exercises, ensuring you have the tools and support needed for lasting change.

Who is this course designed for?

This course is designed for anyone struggling with fear, anxiety, or the aftermath of betrayal and infidelity. Whether you're feeling stuck in your personal life, seeking to rebuild trust in your relationships, or simply looking to live more confidently, my course offers the insights and tools necessary for all seeking transformation. It's especially beneficial for those ready to take active steps towards healing and personal growth.

How long is the course, and what is the time commitment?

The "Freedom from Fear" online course is about 10 hours long, divided into subsections, which easily fits into the busiest schedule. I recommend allowing one hour per week for viewing and 2 hours per week for the reflection exercises.

What makes this course different from traditional counseling or other self-help programs?

Unlike traditional counseling, which often focuses on discussing problems, my course is action-oriented, providing practical strategies for overcoming fear and building a fulfilling life. It combines the depth of counseling with the transformative power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Post-Betrayal Trauma Recovery, and Root Cause Therapy, all within a supportive setting. This unique blend ensures a holistic approach to healing, offering both the understanding and the tools needed for real, lasting change.

Regular Price $2176

Special Offer Price of $480!

Payment Plan Available!

Warning: Your new life is waiting for you!

Join Right Now!

Regular Price $1890

Special Offer Price of $480!

Warning: Your new life is waiting for you!

Join Right Now!

Copyright 2024. Healing Families LLC. All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: The information provided in all 1:1 sessions, online videos, masterclasses, and coaching programs are for educational and informational purposes only. Results mentioned or implied are not typical and may vary based on individual effort, commitment, and circumstances. True transformation and positive life changes can only be achieved through dedicated implementation of the strategies and techniques provided in any session and/or program. The success of your experience when working with Beth Fischer and all affiliates of Healing Families LLC is ultimately dependent on your willingness to actively participate and apply the guidance provided. Healing Families LLC and its representatives and affiliates are not responsible for any outcomes or consequences resulting from your participation in any sessions or programs.